12 Self-Care Tips for the Mind Body & Spirit
Mind, body, and spirit… these three elements combine to make us whole. At least, they should do if we take regular steps to take good care of them all. But you know as well as I do that self-care can...
8 Self Care Tips to Beat the Winter Blues
There are lots of things to love about winter; snuggly blankets, extra-long baths and dark nights that give you even more reason to burn candles, but there’s no doubt that the lack of light and chilly weather can have a...
7 Ways to Calm your Mind before Sleep
When you snuggle up in bed at night, does your mind begin to race? All of your worries rise to the surface and keep you awake for hours rather than letting you drift off into the sleep that you so...
7 Ways To Welcome Harmony Back into your Home
Our living spaces are home to many things and are often used as workplaces, yoga studios and much more, so, it’s no surprise that every now and then they need a little harmony restoring to them…but where should you start?...
6 Ways to Embrace the Power of Spring
As I watch the garden begin to bloom, I’m reminded of what an incredible season this is; a time of promise and refreshed hope - perfect for starting over, creating new plans and making the most of the months that...
How to Cultivate An Abundance Mindset
Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. ~ Wayne Dyer Life is full of choices and one of them is to work from a place of scarcity or abundance. One of these paths cultivates a full,...
7 Things to Let go of Before Welcoming a New Year
As the year ends, many of us traditionally take a moment to reflect on the months that have passed and make plans for the coming year.  Often this consists of a list of things to start doing...eat healthier, take up...
6 Tips For Simplifying Your Life
Does life ever feel too complicated? There’s always so much to do and you never seem to have time to spend on the things that matter the most to you.  I know the feeling well. Sometimes, our lives - and...
10 Easy Ways to Rest When You Can’t Take a Holiday
While it’s lovely to have a holiday to plan and look forward to, there are times when a couple of weeks away isn’t convenient, or this year even possible!  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy some of those...
7 Simple Daily Habits to Improve your Life
I don’t know about you but the power of simple daily habits never fails to surprise me. It’s the way I’ve approached making changes in my life for well over a decade now and I’ve used it to make changes in everything from the food I eat to my personal and spiritual growth...it always works. 
10 Ways To Switch Off and Relax
Changing work patterns, daily stress, media hype...it’s enough to make your head spin, isn’t it? We’re all doing what we can to work, stay informed and support others more vulnerable than ourselves. But, it can make switching off and relaxing...
7 Simple Habits That Could Change Your Life
When it comes to making changes the biggest mistake that I see people making (and I've been there myself) is to try and make big changes overnight. Which often leads to feelings of overwhelm, disappointment and failure. My favourite way...
6 Ways to Create a Weekend Wellness Routine
Is your weekend a bit of a balancing act? Tasks to finish, chores around the house and not to mention all the things that have to be ready for Monday morning! It’s no wonder that it feels impossible to fit...
How to find more time for yourself
  Despite it being essential to our wellbeing, carving out a little time for ourselves can feel like an uphill struggle.  Sometimes we tell ourselves that we don’t need the time or that it’s better spent looking after others. I’ve...
8 Ways To Slow Down and Live Mindfully (even with a busy schedule)
Do you ever wonder where the day went? And do some of them ever feel like they’re over before they even get started – lost in a busy blur of work, chores and after school schedules! Of course, there’s nothing...
10 Habits that Stand in the Way of Daily Self Care
How do you manage your self-care? It could be mental, physical, or emotional – self-care encompasses all three elements. Some of us are better at taking care of ourselves than others. Similarly, some people are good at physical self-care but...