6 Ways to Embrace the Power of Spring

As I watch the garden begin to bloom, I’m reminded of what an incredible season this is; a time of promise and refreshed hope - perfect for starting over, creating new plans and making the most of the months that lie ahead.
So, let’s shake off the long winter months and embrace a spirit of gratitude for all that we’re blessed with and the possibilities that lie ahead.
With that in mind, here’s a list of things that you can get started on today; try a couple of them or work through the whole list. The choice is yours…
Getting outside is a great way to reconnect with nature. Dust off your garden furniture and enjoy lunch outdoors - or better still, enjoy a picnic. Run laps with the dog or get creative with outdoor games. If the weather isn’t on our side or if you have limited outdoor space, be sure to open your windows, sit in a sunny spot of the house and nurture indoor plants to help rebuild that sense of connection to nature.
I LOVE to declutter, it always makes me feel lighter and more positive. It’s a regular activity in my home, but during the Spring, I like to be more thorough and declutter everywhere - including digital files and paperwork! If the thought of decluttering sounds great, but you’re not sure where to get started, then my advice is to start small.
If you want to take a wholehearted approach, then I can recommend the Kon Marie Method - it’ll make you see your belongings in a completely different way. How ever you approach it, be sure to recycle and donate everything that you no longer need because it can still create joy for someone else.
It’s a fact that our devices are addictive and it can become a habit to mindlessly scroll through our phones and rely a little too much on them to keep us ‘entertained’. Taking a break from them supports an increased sense of well-being and allows space for those things that we often think we don’t have time for, like creative hobbies or self-care.
It can feel liberating to be disconnected for a while, and it helps us be more present with the people we love. Research shows that for the best results you need to leave your phone out of sight; turning it off and leaving it by your side just doesn’t work the same. Try putting it in a drawer for a couple of hours in the evening and leave it there until after breakfast the following day - sound like a challenge? Then it’s probably important that you give it a try.
Start something new for spring and take a few minutes every morning to slowly wake up your body with a few yoga stretches. I do this every morning, and for me, it’s just as essential as taking a shower! You can enjoy a short class or create your own series of movements. Even if you begin with 5-10 minutes every morning, it all makes a difference.
Starting your day this way encourages you to be mindful of how your body feels and helps you to enjoy a moment of pause before your day begins.
After enjoying all of those comforting winter dishes, it might be time to lighten things up a little for Spring. It’s a beautiful time to be creative and so look for seasonal produce that you haven’t eaten for a while and try some new recipes with them.
If you know that your diet needs a little fine-tuning, there’s no better time to get started. Spring is the perfect time to start eating cleaner and fresher food and limit the amount of processed food in your diet. Try implementing a small change each week and you’ll find it much easier to manage.
Now that the darker months are behind us, it can help to set new intentions or review the ones you’re working on already. Close your eyes and think about the months ahead. What do you hope to have achieved by summer? If you’d like some help in setting new intentions, then I’ve shared how I set mine in seven easy steps.
I hope you’re feeling inspired to use the natural energy of spring to help you move forward and that these suggestions have sparked a few ideas to help you enjoy this beautiful season.


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.
Love reading your blogs Leanne💗 Thank You 💐
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