7 Simple Ways to Reclaim Your Mornings

What do your mornings look like? Do they support you in feeling positive about the day ahead or leave you feeling frazzled before it really gets started? There’s no denying that for some, mornings can be a challenge; getting everyone ready and where they need to be before then doing the same for yourself can mean that it’s the busiest time of your day. But if you dream of a calmer and more mindful start to your day, then it’s more than possible.

Here are a few tips to help you reclaim your mornings and get every day off to a more positive start…

Sleep well
Start the night before by getting a good night’s rest. I know this can be easier said than done, especially if you have an overactive mind or children who struggle to sleep. But, there are a few things that you can do to help you all enjoy quality rest. Having an evening routine is my favourite because it helps everyone in the house to relax and wind down at the end of the day. Here are some more tips on creating an evening routine and powering down for a good night’s rest.

If thinking about the day ahead creates a sense of overwhelm then it'll be a challenge to feel good. Try taking 5 minutes to think about what you want to achieve - it's possible that all of the tasks swimming around your head are not as important as they feel. I like to write down the three most important things I need to get done. It takes some practise to reduce that mile long ‘to do’ list but it’s such a gift to focus on the things that matter the most.

Find time for Yourself
Even a couple of quiet minutes can make a world of difference, trust me. And it doesn’t matter where you find them. Sit quietly for a minute or two before anyone else wakes up or while they’re getting ready. You can even find a few minutes in your car before you head into work - remember that you don’t need the perfect setting. The simple act of pausing before the day gets started helps you to reconnect to yourself and feel much calmer, I encourage you to try it.

Seek Gratitude 
Gratitude is proven to improve our mental health and happiness. I’m sure that there are plenty of things that you’re grateful for, but how often do you consciously acknowledge them? Try it now by closing your eyes and thinking of 1-3 things that you’re grateful to have in your life. Feels good, doesn’t it? In time you may want to start a gratitude journal; there are many beautiful journals to choose from or simply use your favourite notebook. Click here to read more on how to develop a gratitude mindset.

Slow Down
Slowing down doesn’t mean getting less done, in fact, it’s usually the opposite, and all without that rushed and hustled feeling. It’s been proven that multi-tasking never really worked and so try embracing the art of focus. Keeping your mind on one thing at a time is the key to getting anything done efficiently, accurately and with less stress. Take a look at your to do list and allocate time to complete each task in full before moving onto the next. Removing distractions such as phones while you work can also be a great help in staying focused and productive.

Be Kind 
It’s important to remember that we’re not striving for the perfect morning, just taking steps forward every day to slightly improve the beginning of our day. Things won’t always run smoothly...and that’s okay. Showing yourself a little compassion especially when setbacks happen is essential to keeping yourself calm. Don’t let your inner critic or perfectionism take over and flood your mind with negativity. Be kind to yourself, you’re human and doing your best - take a breath, let it go and smile. Here are a few more ways that you can learn to be kinder to yourself.

Nourish Your Body 
Please don’t eat on the move. It doesn’t take long to eat a healthy nourishing breakfast, something that supports your mind and body for the morning ahead. Try not to fill up on caffeine and foods that are high in carbohydrates because they’ll only have you reaching for a mid-morning sugary snack. If you can, spend a few minutes enjoying your breakfast - don’t worry if some days eating a piece of fruit in the solace of your car is all you can manage - the goal is progress not perfection!

Lastly and most importantly when you wake up each morning, try to smile because you’re blessed to have a new day ahead of you.


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.

7 SImple Ways To Reclaim Your Morning

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