12 Self-Care Tips for the Mind Body & Spirit
Mind, body, and spirit… these three elements combine to make us whole. At least, they should do if we take regular steps to take good care of them all. But you know as well as I do that self-care can...
8 Self Care Tips to Beat the Winter Blues
There are lots of things to love about winter; snuggly blankets, extra-long baths and dark nights that give you even more reason to burn candles, but there’s no doubt that the lack of light and chilly weather can have a...
10 Wellness Habits to Refresh your Mind Body and Spirit
Are your daily habits supporting you - or moving you further away from - the health and happiness you deserve? Most of us have at least a couple of things that aren’t working for us; we scroll too much, eat...
A busy woman’s guide to boosting self care and productivity.
You’re always busy, I know how you feel because for the last two decades I’ve been the owner of a small business which has meant juggling so many balls that I’ve lost count! There are times when a hectic work...
7 Things to Let go of Before Welcoming a New Year
As the year ends, many of us traditionally take a moment to reflect on the months that have passed and make plans for the coming year.  Often this consists of a list of things to start doing...eat healthier, take up...
7 Simple Ways to Reclaim Your Mornings
What do your mornings look like? Do they support you in feeling positive about the day ahead or leave you feeling frazzled before it really gets started? There’s no denying that for some, mornings can be a challenge; getting everyone...
5 Self-Care Rituals to Help Boost Your Energy
With hectic daily lives and never ending ‘to do’ lists it’s no wonder that we usually end up at the bottom of our list of priorities. But if we neglect taking care of ourselves for too long then we begin...
7 Simple Daily Habits to Improve your Life
I don’t know about you but the power of simple daily habits never fails to surprise me. It’s the way I’ve approached making changes in my life for well over a decade now and I’ve used it to make changes in everything from the food I eat to my personal and spiritual growth...it always works. 
How to Find Rest During Busy Seasons of Life
As the seasons of the year change as do the seasons of our life. We have seasons of change, happiness, uncertainty and those seasons when we feel like we’re always on the move; where everywhere you turn there are another...
10 Ways To Switch Off and Relax
Changing work patterns, daily stress, media hype...it’s enough to make your head spin, isn’t it? We’re all doing what we can to work, stay informed and support others more vulnerable than ourselves. But, it can make switching off and relaxing...
7 Ways To Ease Anxiety During Uncertain Times
Let’s be honest, it feels like we’re on an emotional roller coaster, doesn’t it? And, as the landscape of our days looks likely to change even more in the coming weeks or months, I wanted to check in and gently...
3 Reasons To Give Meditation Another Try
So, you've probably read all about the benefits of meditation, from easing stress, improving concentration and even tackling that ‘monkey mind’ - it all sounds great and who doesn’t want more of that, right? But, when you sit down and...
6 Ways to Create a Weekend Wellness Routine
Is your weekend a bit of a balancing act? Tasks to finish, chores around the house and not to mention all the things that have to be ready for Monday morning! It’s no wonder that it feels impossible to fit...
5 Reasons Why You’re Not Sleeping Well and What You Can Do About It
In this busy world, it’s not surprising to learn that experts believe that we’re more sleep deprived than ever!  And , it’s likely that you feel the effects of too little sleep every day; increased anxiety, mood swings, craving unhealthy...
Should a power nap be part of your self care routine?
We all know that sleep is good for us, in fact I think it’s the ultimate in self- care. But, too many of us are more sleep deprived than ever! I’ve written before about how you can improve the quality...
10 Habits that Stand in the Way of Daily Self Care
How do you manage your self-care? It could be mental, physical, or emotional – self-care encompasses all three elements. Some of us are better at taking care of ourselves than others. Similarly, some people are good at physical self-care but...
6 Habits That Help You Embrace Every Day
How do you begin each day? Do you begin in a positive mood, ready to make the best of the new day ahead? Or do you roll out of bed feeling tired and irritable? If you’re like most other people,...