Why use a sage bowl
Our beautiful hand-thrown sage bowls help you to safely use your sage sticks by catching any falling embers as you move around your home. They also create an attractive display and are useful for storing sage sticks and palo santo while not in use.

Create a calm and more mindful life
It's in those quiet moments of reconnection that we believe lies the power to live a calm and more mindful life. One where your days are filled with more harmony than hustle and where making time for yourself becomes a natural part of your day. Together with our mindfully created collection of natural aromatherapy products, we want to help you to rediscover those moments of pause in your day.
New! Cleansing Smoke; A Guide to Ritual Cleansing E-Book
Our 30 Page e-book provides a practical guide to the centuries-old practice of cleansing with white sage and palo santo smoke. These powerful tools can help to dispel negativity, welcome good fortune and create a sacred space for spiritual and wellness practices.
Introductory price £2.99
How to use a sage stick
Beginners guide to sage smudge sticks
◾ Open a few windows and doors to help any smoke and negative energy leave easily.
◾ Light your sage stick over your flameproof bowl until a small flame has caught. While holding your sage over the bowl lightly blow on the flame until it goes out. The sage will then smoke gently like incense. Remember that it’s the smoke that does the work and so the stick does not have to remain lit.
◾ Walk around your home clockwise, carefully Using your hands or a feather to waft the smoke into all areas of your space. Include all small spaces that collect negative energy like corners, windows and behind doors. It’s also good to open cupboards and wardrobes because they can also hold stagnant energy.
◾ Remember that the goal is to allow a light amount of smoke to move around your space there’s no need to create a thick cloud of smoke!
◾ You may need to relight the sage stick to make it around the whole house - simply relight it over your flameproof bowl and lightly blow it out as before. Then carry on where you left off.
◾ There are some who believe the sage stick should be left to smoulder rather than extinguish - this should only be done if you are able to stay with it while it burns. If not then extinguish it by lightly pressing the stick into earth, sand or into your fireproof dish. Never leave a lit sage stick unattended.
Read the full beginners guide to smudging your home here
Safety Information
Use caution when burning. Be cautious of loose embers and use a fireproof container. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Never leave the burning smudge stick unattended.
White Sage Smudge Stick FAQ's
This is entirely up to you but it helps to set a clear intention before starting. A simple phrase such as ‘please rid my home of any energy that no longer serves me and my family’, an affirmation or prayer works well. It’s more important to find something that feels meaningful to you rather than look for the ‘right’ thing to say.
A gentle smoulder is absolutely fine, there’s no need to fill the room with smoke. Remember to have a few windows open and if your sage stick stops smouldering during your ritual, simply relight it and start where you left off.
This is a common concern but you have no need to worry. Burning white sage is really no different to following good candle safety - always use a fireproof container, extinguish once finished (using sand, earth or by pressing it into the container) and never leave it unattended.
As often as feels right for you. It’s useful before wellness practices such as meditation or yoga and as a calming evening ritual. Here are a few times when you’ll find it particularly effective…
Yes. The harvesting of sage is not always done with the environment in mind and so care should always be taken as to where it is purchased from. We import our white sage sticks directly from harvesters in California who have been harvesting white sage from private land for over 15 years. The sage is pruned and harvested with the eco-system in mind which helps it to grow in abundance and 100% sustainably.
Each of our hand-thrown ceramic sage bowls has been created to be used with our Californian White Sage Smudge Sticks. Using a ceramic sage bowl helps to: Catch falling embers as you use your white sage sticks Hold ash for safe disposal once cooled. Store your white sage sticks when not in use. Keeps home/altar surfaces free from debris and ash. Add one to your order above or you can find more details here
If you have any questions about any of our products please do get in touch.