How to Work from Home with more Intention and Positivity

Working from home needs a new level of flexibility. That’s for sure, but it also allows us to create more intentional days; to support our wellbeing and energy levels. 

It doesn’t matter whether working from home has been something new for you or like me it’s been something that you’ve been doing for years. Your daily rituals can always benefit from a refresh to boost your mood and make your days as enjoyable as possible. 

So, I wanted to share my own tips - from over a decade of experience working from my own home office - to inspire you to work from home with more energy and intention.

Set the Mood 
Setting the mood helps your mind transition from home to work life. Try taking a few minutes to pause before you begin your day. Use this time - that you would usually have spent commuting - to cultivate a spiritual practice; enjoy a short meditation, yoga class or begin a gratitude journal. When it’s time for work, be sure to start with a tidy space and light a natural aromatherapy candle to set the tone for your day ahead.

Have a Clear Intention
Setting an intention for your workday helps you to stay on track and celebrate your success when you achieve your goal. It can be as simple as listing your number one priority for the day or noting three essential things that you must do to move forward with a project. Write your intention down on a sticky note and put it where you can see it throughout your day.     

Create Boundaries
Working from home can blur the boundaries between work and home life. Over time this can begin to create an imbalance in your wellbeing and personal relationships. A few simple boundaries can be helpful. Have a clear designated time for your work-day and use rituals to signify the start and end of your day. Once your workday has finished, put all paperwork out of sight and avoid all work-related messages and calls.

Manage Distractions
Working from home creates a new set of distractions. Some are easy to tackle, like turning off all unnecessary devices and notifications, but others can take a bit more management. That could mean helping our pets and children get used to a new routine or asking our loved ones not to call during the work-day! Be gentle with yourself; working from home isn’t always easy, and distractions will happen. Simply learn to recognise them and have a plan to manage them when they crop up again.   

Research shows that taking a short break every 60-90 minutes supports our wellbeing and boosts our productivity. Taking a 10-15 minute pause to make a drink, stretch, cuddle your pet or create a healthy snack will help keep your energy - and happiness - more consistent throughout your day. Don’t leave them to chance; schedule them into your day and set a reminder so that you don’t forget them.   

Clear Clutter
Working in a tidy space cultivates calm and order, which are essential for keeping your mind clear while working from home. For most of us, that means taking control of both physical and digital clutter. Try keeping only essential paperwork on your desk - the same goes for the number of tabs open on your screen. All non-essentials can cause distractions and send your day off course.

Have a Virtual Coffee Break
If working from home is making you feel lonely, then try organising a virtual coffee break. Get together with a few friends or colleagues and catch up over a warm drink. Share tips and challenges to support each other as much as possible but be sure to set a boundary around the time so that your 15-minute break doesn’t roll over into your work time.

Close Down
Mindfully closing down your workday supports your transition back into your home life and encourages your mind and body to slow down. Try taking a short walk and then coming home to a warm shower. Have a change of clothes, enjoy a yoga class or peaceful meditation. It’s a powerful way to end your day but be sure to keep it simple and consistent.         

Working from home isn’t for everyone, but I hope that these simple tips have inspired you to create some positive changes that support your wellbeing while we continue to navigate these strange times. 


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.

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