How to Start your day with a Positive Mindset

In a perfect world, we’d wake up every day feeling refreshed, positive and ready for the day ahead. But, let’s be honest, it doesn’t always work that way, does it? That said, waking up in a less than ideal mood doesn’t mean that you can’t turn it around and get your day back on course.

Now, I love my mornings and so rather than just hope to wake up in a good mood, I have a few rituals in my morning to make sure that I get my day off to the best start possible. Here's what works for me, take a look at and see if there’s anything that you could try to help you start your day with a positive mindset...

Whisper thanks for your blessings before getting out of bed, shout them out loud in the shower or find a moment to write them down. How you give thanks and who to is not important - doing it is.  Making this a daily habit is easy and truly life changing.  Read more about developing a gratitude mindset.

Creating a few minutes to meditate and set a positive intention for your day makes a world of difference and I’m over the moon to share this short meditation that the beautiful Clare from Clare Bethan Yoga has created for us. Whether you’re new to meditation or practise regularly, I know you’ll love this. Find a quiet space for 10 minutes and get comfortable, Clare will take you through the rest…

Clare currently offers online classes both on YouTube and live on Zoom. You can find her on instagram @clarebethanyoga

Clare is a Manchester based yoga teacher specialising in functional vinyasa, yin and paddleboard yoga. Her classes build mental and physical strength and encourage you to playfully explore through movement and breath. She strives to bring elements of yoga philosophy into all her classes so you can take your yoga off the mat and into your daily life. Clare has found over the years that her yoga practice, alongside her love of the great outdoors, has made a huge positive impact on her mental health and so she believes that above all else you should leave the practice feeling uplifted.

We all know how important breakfast is and that it has endless benefits for your body, but consider the holistic benefits too; it's an opportunity to spend a few mindful moments alone or with your family. Be sure to eat something that nourishes your body and try to avoid filling up on caffeine or high carbohydrate food that will have you reaching for sugary snacks when you get to work!

If something isn't running smoothly right now, that’s okay. Showing yourself a little compassion, especially when setbacks happen is essential for keeping your emotions grounded and feeling calm. It can also stop your inner critic from taking the helm, because we all know where that leads and it doesn’t make for a good day! Pause, take a breath, let it go and smile. You’re human and doing your best - Here are a few more ways that you can learn to be kinder to yourself.

Starting your day with drama or worry leads to feeling overwhelmed. You can reduce both by leaving your phone, social media accounts and TV alone until you've got your day off to a good start. I’m quite sensitive to media headlines and world issues and so I personally try to limit my media consumption; that's not to say that I am ignorant or uncaring of larger issues but restricted access helps me to prioritise my own mental health and wellbeing. Of course. I'm not suggesting that you should live like a hermit - but please make sure you're in control of what you consume and not the other way around.

Lastly, look in the mirror and SMILE because it’s a new day and you’re here to enjoy it!

I'm sure that you could try at least one of those to help start your day with a positive mindset. As always, take small steps and start wherever you can. But, I encourage you to try the meditation class that Clare has created for us, it's the perfect way to start your day with positivity and intention.   


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.

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