5 Simple Tips to Naturally Wake Up Your Skin

There’s so much to love about this time of year; brighter days and longer evenings, birds singing, line dried bedding and of course we get to pack away those heavy winter sweaters in favour of something much lighter. But, if your skin needs coaxing out of it’s winter slumber to prepare it for wearing less then I’ve shared a few tips to help naturally wake up your skin - and give your wellbeing a little boost too...
I LOVE this! Even if I’m half asleep when I reach for the brush, it only takes a minute or two before my skin feels alive and I’m ready for the day. After only a week you’ll notice an improved appearance in your skin; much brighter, softer and over time reduced cellulite. But the benefits go much deeper; dry skin brushing stimulates your lymphatic system which helps to remove toxins from your body – so it works on the inside too.
Be sure to do a little research first, always work the brush towards your heart and check with your doctor first if you have diabetes or circulatory issues.
I could talk all day about the benefits of swapping your skincare for natural alternatives; it will always be the wiser choice, just like eating a healthy balanced diet. But I’m not suggesting that you throw everything out and start again (unless you want to). Start by replacing the products that you use most regularly – body wash, daily cleanser and moisturiser. There’s no denying that natural alternatives can cost more but I think that your peace of mind and wellbeing is worth it.
Regular skin brushing will take care of most of this but if like me, you love scooping up handfuls of natural body scrub and treating your body from head to toe then this is a wonderful treat. It doesn’t need to be done often, once a week is enough and it’s easy to make your own body scrub. Here's my favourite natural body scrub recipe...Take a 1/2 Cup of sugar or finely ground salt, 1/3 Cup of oil (olive or jojoba work well). Mix together in a bowl and add 5 drops of essential oil (lemon or mint are my favourites) or the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Apply liberally and rinse well. The result is silky soft skin from head to toe. It can make surfaces slippery and so be sure to take care in the shower.
You know that feeling great is an inside job and so set about making a few changes to your diet. It’s much easier at this time of year; make meals a little lighter, choose fresh and seasonal as much as possible and try to increase skin loving foods such as sweet potatoes, walnuts, olive oil and tomatoes. Of course, it also helps to reduce caffeine, alcohol and sugar while increasing the amount of water that you’re drinking.
What’s your skincare routine like? Could it benefit from a mini makeover or even a complete overhaul. It’s good to stand back and take a look at what we use and why. I like my own skincare routine to be more than simply functional; i like to enjoy the products that I use, take time over them and engage my senses along the way which is part of the motivation behind creating my own natural aromatherapy skincare. So, open up those cabinets, pass along anything that you no longer use (and is still in date) and create a new routine out of products that bring joy into your day.


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.
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