12 Ways To Connect With Nature

I've always found that connecting with nature feeds my soul like nothing else can - it doesn't matter whether it’s a woodland walk with my dog or a simple picnic in the garden. It's that re-connection to the world around me and the reminder that I'm part of something so much bigger than myself that instantly restores my sense of perspective, peace and clarity.
FEEL THE EARTH BENEATH YOUR FEET - Stand barefoot on grass; feel how solid it feels beneath your feet. Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths while you focus on your connection to the earth.
DRIVE THE SCENIC ROUTE - No matter where you’re driving to, try taking the most scenic route you can especially on a warm day. Try it on the morning commute to help you arrive at work feeling a little more uplifted.
MAKE OUTDOORS DATES WITH YOUR FRIENDS - we’ve been used to doing this much more than ever before. Swap sitting indoors for a wander around the park when you want to catch up with a friend. Or like me, take your business meetings outside too...it’s so much easier and you get some of those daily steps in too.
ENJOY YOUR LUNCH OUTSIDE - Top up on vitamin D by eating your lunch outside, if possible try and find somewhere green but if that's not possible don’t let it stop you.
TAKE YOUR YOGA PRACTICE OUTDOORS - On those warmer days why not take your mat outside and listen to the sound of the birds while you move.
GROW SOMETHING - whether it's a veggie patch or a few seeds on a window sill, nurturing a plant is one of the best ways to feel connected to nature.
HUG A TREE - one of my favourite things to do, no matter who's around! I've always been drawn to trees; I find the biggest, wisest looking one and wrap my arms around it as far as I can - it's a truly grounding experience.
PRACTICE MINDFULNESS OUTSIDE - find a quiet spot where you feel safe and focus on your breath flowing in and out. If you have a few minutes to spare then try focusing on one sense at a time to see what you can hear, smell etc.
WATCH A SUNSET - Find a quiet moment of solitude, a warm drink and enjoy watching the day begin or end.
PRACTICE MINDFULNESS OUTSIDE - Find a quiet spot where you feel safe and focus on your breath flowing in and out. If you have a few minutes to spare then try focusing on one sense at a time to see what you can hear, smell etc.
BRING THE OUTSIDE IN - During the winter months it's sometimes easier to bring the outside in and there's no better way to do that than by filling your home with fresh, new houseplants.
USE ESSENTIAL OIL - find an oil that evokes an outdoor feeling for you - my favourites include lavender and pine - diffuse the oil in your home or light a natural aromatherapy candle to evoke the sense of the outdoors.
GO FOR A WALK - such a simple one and it's free! Walk to the shop rather than take the car, walk the kids to school or take the dog for an extra walk around the block. It's much easier to fit in than you think.
How easy are they? I'm sure that you can think of many more too. Pick something that feels easy for you to do and get started today. Let me know what you've tried in the comments below...


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.
I cared for my beautiful mum for four years with Dementia she passed last Sept 2021 we wear very close, not only mum also by best friend. I also lost a very dear friend he died new years eve 2021, I have my own family also gr.children too. I love & adore nature always have, I had two dogs a Weimaraner & Miniature Schnauzer my adorable Weimaraner passed last Sept 2021 I miss her so much she was my shadow. Still have my little Schnauzer we walk twice a day on the heath where I live & other days through my beautiful local park that is full of wildlife &many many trees oak trees too that are very ancient so really I’m pretty lucky having this not far from where I live. I suffer with deep depression & anxiety & having all this nature on top from where I live i’m pretty lucky. I started horse riding at a early age in my life my dad & myself loved horses so we were always horse riding together, such wonderful fond times. Far back as I can remember I have always embraced nature all it’s beauty it’s quality only down side is when nature can turn that can be quite harsh & cruel, that side I struggle with. There is so much beauty out there with our natural nature & that is when I take in & respect as much as I possibly can. XXXxxx
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