10 Mindful Ways To Embrace Autumn

Beautifully rich colours, fresh crisp morning air and curling up under a blanket with your latest read. Autumn is such a charming season, one that delights your senses at every turn and holds the promise of Christmas magic in the not too distant future. I’ve always loved watching the seasons change but Autumn definitely holds a special place in my heart.

Like, all seasons though it can pass far too quickly as we lose ourselves in work and tasks around the house. And, with retailers already filling their shelves with festive gifts you could be forgiven for missing Autumn altogether! 

But, not this year because I’ve created a list full of things that you can enjoy and that keep you mindful of the gorgeous season that is happening all around us… 

Comfort Food 
With so much seasonal produce and comforting recipes, it’s a wonderful time of year to explore something new. Whether you’re an experienced cook or just getting started, you can always find a heart warming soup, sourdough or hot dessert that puts big smiles on the faces of those you love!   

Long Autumn Walks
Chilly morning air and bright sunshine is an irresistible combination, so it’s time to put on your boots and get some fresh air in your lungs. Walk alone, with the dog or even get the kids moving too. Rather than meet friends indoors, take the conversation outside and enjoy the weather at the same time.

Of course this is a wonderful thing to do all year round but many charities need extra support to help an increasing amount of people as winter grows closer. And you can donate in so many ways; time, money, food or simply have a good look around your house and find clean items that your local charity shop would be grateful for. It all helps.       

Create a Reading List 
With darker nights on the horizon it’s time to wander through the book shelves or Kindle store to find a few treasures to snuggle up with. Reading is such a simple way to spend time but it’s one that always feeds the mind and soul - try and make some regular time for it this season.    

Snuggle up with your favourite movie
Don’t we all have a few movies that we could watch over and over again? You know the ones, you could probably recite them word for word! Now, even though I’m not one for much TV, I do love the comfort that comes from snuggling up and watching one of my all time favourites.    

Refresh Your Home 
It’s probably not the time of year you want to be thinking of major changes but a good declutter works wonders and makes everywhere feel so much lighter. Make a plan and work around each room, remembering to donate or recycle everything as you go. I always like to freshen up paintwork at this time of year, it never takes too long and i’ve always found painting quite soothing. However you choose to refresh your home, when you are finished try using a sage smudging ritual to help cleanse the energy and remove any negativity. It leaves behind a clean, light feeling and the most amazing scent - here’s how to get started

Host a Games Night
I’m a huge fan of board games, put me in front of a monopoly board and I’m happy for hours! Try making a night of it with friends or family - just don't forget the snacks. 

I hope that these simple ways to mindfully embrace autumn have inspired you to make the most of this beautiful season ahead of us. 


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.


  • Margaret Gill

    Thank you for those inspiring words💕I received my candle collection safe and sound thank you💕💕

  • Maria Williams

    Thank you for your 10 mindful tips on ways to embrace Autumn. Love your blogs 💗

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