10 Things To Let Go Of Before 2021

What a year it’s been! I think that it’s fair to say that 2020 didn’t quite look like any of us imagined. But, no matter what, there have been some lessons along the way - a reminder of what’s truly important, the value of our health and immense gratitude for our communities and key workers.
As the year ends, many of us traditionally take a moment to reflect over the months that have passed and make plans for the time ahead.
With that in mind, let’s celebrate the end of 2020 by letting go of anything that no longer serves our health and wellbeing...
It’s time to stop your inner critic from running the show! It’s not easy to follow your dreams and create happiness without getting this under control. How? Start by observing it; when does it appear, and what does it say? Most of us find that it shouts something at us that stems from our childhoods. When you hear it, imagine that it has a volume control button and slowly turn it down - helping the voice seem further and further away. Then replace the criticism with kindness; I like to use a positive affirmation, but a mantra or quote works just as well. New to positive affirmations? Read more about them here.
Most of us know at least one person who falls into this category. It can seem harsh to distance yourself from someone in your life, especially if they are a family member. But if they harbour negativity, they aren’t doing you any good. Let them go with good grace; you’ll be surprised at the changes you notice in your state of mind once they are gone.
Regret is such a destructive power. Left to fester it creates negativity and stops you from moving forward. Healing the wounds of regret can often be achieved through forgiveness work. I’ve done some of this work myself, and I know that it can be a challenge, please don’t face it alone if you feel that the guidance of a therapist or healer would be helpful.
Clutter creates stagnant energy which isn’t conducive to a fresh start, and so a good declutter is a great place to begin. Avoid feeling overwhelmed by taking it one room, or cupboard at a time. Let go of everything that no longer serves you; please donate anything that you can because most things can often create happiness for someone else.
We’d all love someone to reassure us that it’s all going to work out great but let’s be honest...no one can do that for us! We’re here to explore and learn as we go and sometimes that means making a few mistakes along the way. Enjoy every moment as it comes and choose to live in the present; it can take some practice, but in time you’ll feel the fear begin to fade while happiness fills the space it leaves behind in your heart and mind.
Maybe things haven’t progressed as much as you’d hoped this year and it’s left you feeling frustrated? Don’t be too harsh on yourself; it’s been an unusual year. Do you best to reframe it in a more positive way and look for the lessons, they’re usually there if you look for them. Then, take a few deep breaths before starting on a new plan of action to get things moving in the right direction.
Do you often compare yourself to others? It’s so easy to do. But, it’s a habit that can easily spiral out of control and it leaves you in a constant state of dissatisfaction. Let’s be honest, most of the time you’re only seeing someone else’s life from the outside, and you can’t use that as a measure anyway. Comparison is a drain on your energy. Break the habit by taking more time to focus inwards and create a daily gratitude practice to remind yourself of everything that you are blessed with. Here are some tips for cultivating a gratitude mindset.
Feeling the pressure of others expectations places a heavy burden on our hearts and minds. Some people carry them for a lifetime before realising that they’ve been holding them back. Taking time to acknowledge them can be life-changing, but the magic lies in being able to let them go. Some people can do this overnight, and for some it’s quite a process; be gentle with yourself and take care not to express blame. Forgiving and letting go is the kindest thing that you can do for yourself and your future.
Let this year be the one that you find more time for yourself; to explore a creative passion, follow a dream or take better care of your body, mind and spirit. Most of us have a tendency to over-commit to projects and say yes to things that we don’t want to do. This year try saying no a little more often (here are a few tips) and create space for the things that make you happy.
A project that needs finishing, an awkward conversation we need to have with someone, a dentist’s appointment… we all put things off from time to time. But we also feel a great sense of relief when we tick off those things, don’t we? Start as you mean to go on and try to leave procrastination behind this year.
Letting go of any energetic and physical baggage that holds us back, makes it so much easier to follow our dreams. Remember to create a plan of action, take consistent small steps and always be gentle with yourself as you go.
Ready to let go of the past and embrace a fresh New Year? I’ve created a New Beginnings Ritual Kit to help you do just that - take a look.


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.
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