How to Spark your Inner Light

Have you ever felt as though your inner light -  the vital spark that makes you feel alive, creative and full of enthusiasm - has dimmed or even been extinguished? 

That’s probably most of us! 

And, while our human experience means walking with both the light and dark in varying degrees - knowing how to spark our own inner light can cultivate joy and provide a guide during those more challenging chapters.   

Over the years I’ve found a few very simple ways to cultivate my own inner light and I want to share them today in the hope that it helps you re-ignite that same spark within you… 

Say Yes
Say yes to claiming the strength you need to overcome the obstacles. Yes, to moving on even though you’re terrified. Affirm your intention for a more connected, joyful life. Tell the universe that you’re ready for transformation and abundance. This simple act helps us to manifest our dreams - try it, especially if it feels uncomfortable.   

Spend time with others 
Being with friends who have infectious energy and vitality for life can be inspiring, so try spending more time with the people that light you up. If no one springs to mind, don’t worry, look for community-based events where you could meet new people and have fun at the same time.    

Wander into your Past
Do you remember when you had more zest for life? When you could be yourself, without fear of judgement or exclusion? Wherever your mind takes you, spend a few moments there and connect to the energy that you felt during that time. Ask yourself how you were different and think of a way to cultivate some of that energy in the present.  

Ground in Nature  
Take your emotions outdoors and ground them in nature; walk barefoot on the earth, breathe deeply and feel that innate connection to higher energy. Not only does our connection to nature benefit all aspects of our health but an increase in natural light, helps to boost our vitamin D levels and natural sleep cycles.  

Enjoy High Vibe Foods  
It’s hard to shine when we’re feeling sluggish, but thankfully, changing our food - and increasing hydration - is an easy way to change that. There are plenty of high vibe foods that can be added to your diet, my faves include blueberries, mango, almonds, pumpkin seeds and plenty of fresh herbs. But you can include whatever your taste and schedule allow.    

Bringing a sense of gratitude to every meal that you enjoy can also help.  Simply take a moment to give thanks or say a short blessing. Not only is gratitude a high-vibe energy but pausing before you eat will encourage you to mindfully enjoy your food. 

Re-Discover your Creativity
Experts have confirmed that there’s a link between creativity and happiness, but I’m pretty sure most of us already knew that! You only have to watch children playing to understand how happy we are when we’re doing something creative. And, the best part is that creativity comes in countless forms; from crafting, drawing and playing musical instruments to re-decorating your home or creating a new dish for dinner. 

Personally, this is what sparks my inner light the most; I love nothing more than sitting down with a colouring book or getting creative in the kitchen. Make a list of creative hobbies or rojects that you could start.  

Be More You 
From an early age we learn to adapt; hide our quirks, and change our actions or opinions to conform to the world around us. It’s a survival instinct. But, to deny these parts of ourselves is to dim our natural light. The best part is that when you are more authentically yourself, it encourages others to be the same. So, how could you be more you this week?    

Sparking our inner light cultivates more joy in our lives and just as importantly helps us shine brightly to guide ourselves - and others - through those inevitable challenging times.  

So, let’s all commit to shining a little brighter this season…what will you be doing to spark your inner light? Let me know in the comments below.    


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.


  • Janey

    I so need help right now and your advice is just what I needed, amazing, thank you

  • maggie

    thankyou Leanna the above words are a deep reminder youb are so insightful.

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